Feedback and Fall

Believe it or not, we are done with the summer semester. Congratulations to all of you for an amazing summer and spectacular work! 
This blog post has 2 action items:
(1) Providing feedback to us; and
(2) Purchasing a book before the fall semester begins, and reading it.
Taking each in turn.


Each of you will be receiving a note from us about your work for the semester as well as the course grade. 
We would also love to hear from you regarding how we (the instructors) did. You should have received an email from MSU with a link to evaluate Punya (what here at MSU we call SIRS). However, you had more than Punya as an instructor – so, apart from filling out that form, we would like you to provide feedback to the other instructors (Akesha, Candace, Kyle, Missy, and Rohit) as well. 
For feedback to Punya & the course overall, please go to:
For the other instructors, please go to:
Please complete these feedback forms as soon as possible to complete the semester requirements for official course completion.

Welcome Fall

The fall semester begins on September 2nd. And we have our first face-to-face meeting on the 12th of September. We will be sending more information about the fall semester assignments closer to September 2 – but in the meanwhile we need you to purchase a book and start reading it for the September 12 meeting. 
Purchase the book: What Should I Do? Confronting Dilemmas of Teaching in Urban Schools by Anna Richert. 
Click on the image below to go to Amazon, though you could get it from anywhere you choose: 
Please get this book ASAP and start reading it. We will be discussing this book on our face-to-face meeting day (September 12). 
As always, the website will have information about this and other stuff
…and of course you can contact us by email, Facebook, or Twitter if you have any questions.
That’s all for now! Take care and connect soon. 
MSUrbanSTEM Team