The third phase of your ImagineIT project will be implemented over the course of the Spring semester. The focus of this phase of your ImagineIT should be to innovate and take your ideas to the next level. Similar to the Fall, you will need to create a plan for how your project will look over the course of the semester, implement the plan and reflect on your progress. The ImagineIT section of your personal website should be updated with the following:
Part 1: ImagineIT Timeline
Part 2: ImagineIT Updates (2)
Part 3: Final Report
ImagineIT Timeline
ImagineIT Timeline (Due January 31st)
Use the Final Fall Reflection you completed at the end of the Fall semester to help you “Spring” forward this semester. By January 31, you must have published a description (300 words) of how you will move forward this semester, along with a timeline to your website. The description will serve as context for your timeline. This look back at your Fall implementation will assist your planning and organization of the third phase of the ImagineIT implementation. Some questions to consider in your description:
- Looking back at what you said in the fall, you shared what you would do differently if you could start again. How can you use this to shape this semester’s ImagineIT implementation?
- You have been with this project for a long time now, what are the areas in which your project can grow?
- What do you wish to see out of your ImagineIT this semester? What are broad benchmarks that you can establish for making that vision come to life?
- What would be your wildest hopes for your project during this round of implementation?
Lay out a plan for what your second round of implementation will look like over the course of the Spring. This plan should be laid out in the form of a timeline, that visually illustrates the various stages of your implementation throughout the Spring semester. Define tangible goals: where should your implementation be certain dates if you wish to fulfill your ImagineIT hopes and wishes?
Create your timeline using a table in your favorite word processor or check out a new tool like Lucid Chart Diagram (Google Drive app), Timetoast, Timeline by ReadWriteThink, or HSTRY.
Post the description and timeline to your website, organizing it with the rest of your Imagine IT artifacts, by January 31st.
Spring Updates
Spring Updates 1 & 2 (Due February 15th and March 5th)
Just as in the fall, you should continue documenting your process on the ImagineIT Project section of your website. Be sure to include artifacts that help illustrate your project to (this update could take any form you feel is appropriate — a Twitter widget with daily updates, a blog post about your experiences in this process, a video update, etc.). These artifacts should accompany a 300 word maximum update on your ImagineIT that informs visitors of your progress since your last post.
The expectation is that a new update is live on your website by the following dates.
- Update 1: Due February 15th
- Update 2: Due March 5th (will be completed at the Face-to-face meeting)
Final ImagineIT Report
Final ImagineIT Report (Due April 29th)
By our final face-to-face meeting, you are expected to have written and posted your final report on this whole process. In your 300 word reflection, be sure to include:
- What you have learned about the whole design process?
- Informally reach out to your peer and student focus groups from the fall. Ask them to share about how this experience/project has impacted them. This provides you with an opportunity to see the outcome of your ImagineIT from different perspectives. We rarely get time to do this, so take advantage and soak it all up! Share their insights and/or the overall message that is shared in these conversations. Does anything surprise you that is shared?
- What you have learned in the teaching itself? How has it influenced your teaching as a whole?
Be sure to post this reflection on your website, organized with the rest of your ImagineIT documents, by April 29th.